The Location Lighting Masterclass is a three-hour video tutorial that you can watch online or download. The choice is yours! The Masterclass not only teaches you everything you need to know about off-camera flash but also includes sections on image editing. Exercise files are included, so you can follow along!

This is what you'll learn


The gear tips in this course alone can make you recuperate the course price several times over. In the course, you'll see that you do not need flashes of thousands of dollars to achieve good results! The most important thing is not the flash itself, but the modifier or light converter that sits between the flash and your subject!

Lighting Technique

In this video I teach you my favorite location lighting techniques as I have perfected them myself over the past ten years. I will show you how you can achieve maximum impact with a minimum of gear.


Of course, the straight-out-of-camera image is only part of the story. For each scene, I'll also show you the post-processing techniques you can use to make your photos even more eye-catching!

Pay once, watch as many times and as long as you want - Includes exercise files